Restorative Solutions
Taking action to prevent youth violence and offending.
Taking action to prevent youth violence and offending.
Victimcare CIC manage the delivery of successful Restorative projects, that are ground breaking and life changing to our service users. Our team are vastly experienced in designing, developing, and implementing restorative approach within organisations and communities looking for new ways of working and bridging the gap between victims and offenders.
Our Operations Director Kevin Hogg has a wealth of experience from both victim and offender sides of the divide. He has used his experiences within the CJS to implement such programmes that are unique and have proven to be a great success, which in turn helps to reduce re-offending by over 85%.
Victimcare deliver integrated, whole system services for victims of crime types and anti-social behaviour, at all stages of the criminal justice process, including those crimes or incidents not reported to the police. Services are available to all communities as required by individual commissioners, including offenders who are also victims, along with emergency service workers and supporting access to services where the incident, crime or anti-social behaviour, court process or prison sentence is out of area.
Using a traditional Restorative Practice methodology, we have innovated and pioneered the use of the approach in sectors across England and Wales, including policing, prisons, schools, and social housing, to provide a practical and cost-effective tool kit to deal with harm or conflict.
Collaborative approaches to preventing offending and re-offending by children (CAPRICORN) sets out a framework to help local authorities prevent young people offending and re-offending, by looking at primary (or ‘upstream’) causes of offending, as well as secondary (or ‘downstream’) causes.
CAPRICORN’s main focus is to describe some actions that local partnerships can take to prevent young people offending and re-offending.
The CAPRICORN framework in the diagram below shows the different upstream and downstream actions that partnerships can take to prevent youth offending and re-offending. There are actions to help individuals and families and for communities and society.
If you would like further information on our projects, please do not hesitate to contact our project lead Kevin Hogg via email or telephone 07497546146 to discuss how we can assist further.